regarding the Governor’s
State of the State Address
January 6, 2010—“The governor today hit on some key points that
align with The time for playing politics has long been over and it is my hope that the reality of the state’s fiscal situation has finally sunk in for those who are not willing to explore any and every solution to solving the states fiscal crisis without crippling our working families. This crisis was not created overnight, but this is not the time to dwell on the past. There will be tough decisions ahead, but I will be a tireless advocate for common sense solutions. I am happy that the governor is now taking a look at a four year plan to address budget issues including heading the call to right size government and reduce mandates. These are not end-all be-all solutions. Cuts must be made but they must be made strategically. “I was very happy to hear the governor discuss new jobs initiatives, specifically his Excelsior program that will provide targeted investments to manufacturing and alternative energy as a means of job creation. The North Country is leading the way in alternative energy research and development, as well as production. We have the brainpower, the resources, and the workforce tailored made for this program. I strongly urge the governor to look above the thruway when implementing these programs upstate. It is our area that can produce what he needs to make these programs thrive. “As we move forward in these uncertain times and challenging budget season, you can be certain of one thing – that I will be working hard every day on your behalf and that I will NOT support a budget that disproportionately burdens North Country families.”
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